Our History

Rose Valley Water Company was founded in 1958 by a west valley rancher and his family in what was called “Dove Valley”.  Rose Valley Water Company acquired its name because 40 acres of the family ranch was leased to graft and grow special hybrids of roses. Local neighbors, enjoying the beauty of the roses, nicknamed the area “Rose Valley”. By 1991, Rose Valley Water serviced over 200 homes. Rose Valley Water was acquired by NW Natural Water on October 2nd, 2023. NW Natural Water provides water distribution and wastewater services to approximately 150,000 people through 62,000 connections. Today, Rose Valley Water provides water to approximately 2,400 households in the west valley.  

We're here to help!

Contact our office at (623) 889-2275, Monday- Friday from 8AM – 4PM or email us anytime at info@rosevalleywater.com